How to find happiness in life?

Happiness is something that most people strive for. However, if you ask different people, everyone will define happiness in their own way. Some people will talk about what they are missing, some will talk about socially acceptable and “right” things, some will respond that it’s family, children, and so on.

So, what is Happiness?

Привязанности и зависимости- Саша Грановский

Привязанности и зависимости

Давайте попробуем разобраться в этих понятиях и что с этими явлениями делать.

Начнем с Зависимостей, они бывают двух типов:
-Биохимическая зависимость;
-Мыслительная зависимость.

Difference between love and infatuation

Despite the countless books, stories, poems, and movies about love, there remains a lack of clear understanding of what love truly is. This is perplexing. How can a phenomenon so extensively explored and discussed remain elusive in its definition? Human beings lack specific receptors or sensory organs that can definitively identify love, as we might with other sensations.