Do you want control your thoughts?
Attention Developing Management.
Your Attention is your most valuable limited resource
Attention is the currency with which you buy Suffering or Happiness
Every Thought that we use we bought and paid via our Attention
Who or what controls your Attention controls your life
What does Attention management mean?
It means We can manage our Thoughts
Thoughts will stop affecting our life.
It means We can choose when and which thoughts to use
This skill can be trained
It means We can be independent of Thoughts
Thoughts are not only ideas, thoughts are also all fears, blocks, resentments, habits, addictions, expectations, desires, and so on
We begin to feel freedom, peace and state of "Yeees"
We have state of well-being regardless of anyone or anything
We can stop to suffer anymore
Suffering starts to get out our lives. Stress will be stopped. We find our happiness which depends only on us.
It means We manage our lives without suffering.
For this, we need to learn how to use our Attention and realize what Thoughts are. An then Just be.
What is MyAttention?

30 Exercises
These are unique mental workouts that are not found anywhere else in the world. Each workout is aimed at different "muscle groups" of Attention.

30+ hours of communication
Communication is one of the most important tools for development, especially based on training, to better understand how it all works.

Your Research
Each exercise is your real research on fundamental phenomena, that will help you in life

One time in life
it is enough to do them once in a lifetime. No need add it to your daily routine
What achievements can you get?
- You’ll experience a deeper insight into your mind and thoughts
- You’ll experience a deeper insight into your attention
- You’ll get tools and skills to use your mind and thoughts that you already have or that have not yet come to you
- You’ll develop your attention
- You’ll gain the skills and tools to use your attention
- Of course you’ll get the tools to be happy
- How not to lose your happiness
- How to stop suffering
- How to stop getting stuck in emotions
- How to stop getting stuck in thoughts, including fears, addictions and so on
- Perhaps you’ll experience a deeper insight into your being
- Perhaps you’ll find the meaning of your life
MyAttention метод не связан ни с одним духовным, эзотерическим, религиозным или какими-то другими течениями

Sasha Granovski
About Attention
“I noticed that attention is a limited resource. When we use it, we get state of well-being, as if we are doing something right. Awareness and mindfulness are just part of attention.” He spent thousands of hours on his own research on Attention and Thoughts, without religions and esoteric.
Sasha founded his Labudhi meditation center in 2018 and created his own attention training method. The center was changed location from Koh Phangan to Koh Samui. Also Sasha had personally trained about 150 trainers of his method. Sasha collaborated with the large private IT company to implement MyAttention method so that all participants in the workflow get state of well-being now and in the future. This is building different types of relationships through Attention. Before Labudhi Sasha was 7 years CEO of National Park, where builded Yoga Hotel in wild nature.
Sasha is the founder and CEO of the technology company fhela in the field of cybersecurity and FHE, in which internal relationships are built through Attention.
First exercise
Training Tools Attention
Dividing attention into many objects (up to 15 objects).
Developing Mind Control Skills
Developing the skills to manage your thoughts
Developing skills to use thoughts
Develop skills to use your attention
Focus on defocus
Flexible attention span
Deep Attention Research
We use only what we always have: feelings, thoughts, mind, attention
Increasing complexity
Observing thoughts from afar
Switching attention
Feelings on and off
Changing speed
Dividing attention into static and dynamic
Deep research of the nature and behavior of thoughts
Research of the mind
Developing sensitivity through attention
Without religion and esotericism
Each exercise is unique and you will not find them anywhere else
Articles from blog
Before we get rid of thoughts, let's try to understand what they are. We can think and reflect, but have you tried to observe thoughts, explore them, explore the space where these thoughts appear?
Intuition is like knowing in advance.
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There are a huge number of institutions and tools designed to take your attention—political technologies, mass media, entertainment, social media—all aimed at taking your attention.
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Let's start with addictions, which come in two types:
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Thought Addiction:
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