The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life – living your life through experiencing your unique feelings, emotions, and interacting with others.

In fact, this should be the end of the article. But I will try to explain why it is so, without using religious or esoteric terminology. 

If you look a little deeper, for me the Meaning of Life is Just Being. And that’s it. There is no idea to change the world, people, save someone, or achieve something. It’s just Being.

In order to explore the Meaning of Life for Human, let’s try to understand what Human is, as only then will we be able to more easily understand the meaning of life. After all, you must agree that this meaning will be different for different forms of life. And Human is one of the most complex forms of life, hence there are many versions and different interpretations.

What is the Human?
A human being is made up of many aspects: 

  • Physical body. 
  • Senses, ordinary senses: vision, smell, hearing, taste, tactile sensations, and so on. While these senses are integral to our physical body, they are noteworthy due to their variability and their profound influence on our experience of the world. 
  • Abstract Senses—the ability to feel people, the ability to feel time, place, beauty, honesty, intuition. These are senses for which we have no specific organs of perception. 
  • Mind. The mind is our tool, much like the hands are to the physical body. The mind is the space where we can observe thoughts. It is the receiver of thoughts, functioning like an airport where millions of thoughts arrive and depart every second. Some thoughts stay with us, some we use, and others we store for future use. 
  • Attention. Attention binds all the parts of Human together, making us whole. Currently, for most people, attention is automatically directed to the mind and thoughts. From childhood, we are conditioned to focus our attention primarily on our thoughts. This automatic direction can lead to an imbalance, causing chaos in the mind. This chaos often results in suffering, as our reactions, behaviors, and emotional states are largely determined by these unmanaged thoughts.

To achieve a fuller experience of life and to embody the essence of being human, we must take control of our attention and direct it consciously to:
– Attention itself: Focus on understanding where our attention is directed, observe our attention; 
– Physical body: Focus on the needs of our body, feel its sensations, and be aware of what is happening with the body;
– Perception of surroundings: Focus on the external environment, actively listening, seeing, and smelling, touching, and tasting;
– Observation of the mind and thoughts: Focus on observing our mind, including the thoughts that come and go. It allows us to control our mind and thoughts.

To truly perceive the fullness of life, we must engage with multiple objects at the same time. The more aspects we can feel and experience at once, the richer our lives become. This implies that being a human requires us to direct our attention across various aspects at the same time, as the quality of our life depends on this balance. In total, there are Body, Senses, abstract Senses, Mind and attention. And all this is a human being, not only a physical body. 

It’s crucial to train to connect with our true selves, to take control of our lives, to experience life to its fullest, and find happiness. We develop our attention to manage our lives, find happiness, and embrace all aspects of ourselves at the same time. This approach allows us to perceive the world not through a narrow lens but with open eyes, breathing deeply—a true embodiment of what it means to be human. 

Consider the many processes occurring within the human body—billions of intricate functions that sustain life and sensation. When do we start to truly feel? It’s when we direct our attention towards our senses. For instance, right now, you can focus on the smells or tastes in your mouth, making them vivid and real in your world. These sensations are uniquely ours; no one else experiences them exactly as we do. What’s fascinating is our varied emotional responses to these sensations, which are influenced by our individual thought patterns and evaluations. This diversity is where the beauty lies. Humans also have ways to connect and communicate with each other—through spoken words, tactile interactions, artistic creations like paintings or poetry. In this unique way of experiencing feelings, emotions, sensations, and interacting with one another lies the meaning of life for Human beings. I emphasize the word “unique.” There’s no purpose in living someone else’s life; the true essence lies in living our own, unique existence.

Thus, the Meaning of Life is defined as living our own life fully, experiencing it deeply, and engaging in meaningful interactions with others. 

How does one truly live their life? It’s through directing attention into one’s experiences, into feeling the diverse sensations, emotions, and sentiments that life presents. To live fully requires the active use of attention. To make life fullier, attention must be divided into several aspects—being aware of bodily sensations, observing our surroundings, understanding the flow of thoughts in the mind, and continuously monitoring where our attention is. Developing and training attention, sensitivity, and understanding of attention, thoughts, and the mind are essential for this purpose.

Experiencing something requires noticing it, and noticing requires directing our attention there intentionally—it doesn’t happen automatically. Therefore, we must independently use our attention. Bringing all these aspects together, the meaning of life lies in Being Human—to live one’s life fully.

Often, alongside the question of the meaning of life, arises another one, “What is my purpose?”.Is there indeed a grand purpose, a goal for which people live, beyond simply experiencing and interacting in their unique human life? Perhaps we should first undertake one action: to begin living without suffering. There can be no purpose in suffering—it is merely manipulation. Only after living entirely free from suffering can we entertain the idea of purpose. 

In my view, there is no predetermined destiny. The meaning lies in simply existing, in doing what you cannot avoid doing right now. Live your life fully, with your unique feelings, emotions, and sensations. Certainly, everyone possesses different predispositions and talents, which make life easier when pursued. So why doesn’t everyone follow what they like and are good at? Because many believe they derive pleasure from suffering and are convinced they should suffer. This is how society and its governing systems operate—it’s not good or bad, but driven by the pursuit of well-being for every component within the system.

To achieve this, you must begin using your attention, as it is the most valuable resource. Training your attention muscles is essential for this. Our specially designed application is crafted precisely for this purpose, offering you the tools and guidance needed to develop your attention skills.