How to find happiness in life?

Happiness is something that most people strive for. However, if you ask different people, everyone will define happiness in their own way. Some people will talk about what they are missing, some will talk about socially acceptable and “right” things, some will respond that it’s family, children, and so on.

So, what is Happiness?

Difference between love and infatuation

Despite the countless books, stories, poems, and movies about love, there remains a lack of clear understanding of what love truly is. This is perplexing. How can a phenomenon so extensively explored and discussed remain elusive in its definition? Human beings lack specific receptors or sensory organs that can definitively identify love, as we might with other sensations.

The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life – living your life through experiencing your unique feelings, emotions, and interacting with others.

In fact, this should be the end of the article. But I will try to explain why it is so, without using religious or esoteric terminology.

Finding your purpose or why goal setting doesn’t work

Finding one’s life purpose is a universal concern. Many people ask this question. When we talk about the purpose of life, it often overlaps with the concept of the meaning of life. However, if we think of it as a goal, the main goal can be to be a unique Human.
The purpose of life is to be a Human. The Meaning of life is to live your unique life as a Human being and to interact with others.

Manipulation and what to do about it

We encounter manipulation daily, and I’m certain each of us has been manipulated at some point. Let’s delve into this topic to better understand it.

There are two main types of manipulation:
– When manipulation is directed at us.
– When we manipulate someone else.

Most people are usually concerned with manipulation directed at